We are called to remember those in prison as if they were our cellmates - "Remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them" (Heb 13:3). It is with this realization that when we visit the prisoners, we meet Christ. For Christ said in his own words: "I was in prison and you came to me" (Mt 25:36). The captives in the New Testament were imprisoned for the reasons of faith, and today our society dogmatizes all the prisoners no less than criminals.
Yet "Crime is but a sign of a diseased mind and that imprisonment, should aim primarily at treating a prisoners diseased mind and making him fit to go into society after release to lead an honest life". (Mahatma Gandhi).
The foundation will provide a special care to prisoners by focusing on their families, who are primary resources to help and support them. The prison ministry will entail three moments: Listening to prisoners, counseling and helping the family of the prisoners.
Prisoners behind bars
Source: Unknown
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