Our logo is more than a name or symbol - it's one of the most recognizable elements of our identity. It provides a fitting summary of what the Bread of Life Foundation is and unites our mission and vision.
The motto Bread of Life (B.O.L.) taken from the Gospel of John 6:35 serves as an invitation to recognize, receive and serve “Jesus”, as “The Bread of Life” in the “breaking of the bread” at Holy Eucharist and in his Mystical Body, which are the poor people of God. To recognize that, “The pain of one, even the smallest member, is the pain of all”[1], and to receive, and serve Jesus emphasizes both the personal and social natures of the Eucharist.
The logo designed by Gaurav Patole, Founder & Director of BOL Foundation – presents a small summa theologiae of the interconnected theme of the Eucharist and the works of Mercy. It represents an image marked by the Liturgical life of the Church: “Blessed are you, Lord God of all creation, for through your goodness we have received the bread we offer you: the fruit of the earth and work of human hands, it will become for us the bread of life”.
At its center, it has the letter 'B' which symbolizes the Bread which becomes the Body & Blood of Christ of the Son of Man par excellence, who by his passion, death and resurrection has merited for many the gift of eternal life. The letter 'B' is enlightened in scarlet red color which symbolizes the blood of Christ. The letter 'B' is surrounded by golden wheat grains, symbolizing the gift of creation where grains depicts the precursor of the bread, an essential substance for life, which we offer to him through the work of human hands (raised hands), which will become for us the bread of life.
Each individual golden grain leaf symbolizes an act of mercy. There are precisely seven such individual grain leaves connected together in each of the two stems. Taken together, the two stems have total of fourteen leaves, symbolizing the fourteen objectives of the BOL Foundation and the fourteen acts of mercy. The two stems sum up to form two works of mercy, viz…. Corporal and Spiritual works.
The logo has been designed in such a way so as to express the profound relation between Jesus who becomes the bread of life, who offered himself as the victim and priest, and the works of mercy as the fruit of the Eucharist.
One particular feature worthy of note is that the stems of grain leaves are mirror images of each other, portraying the profound unity of the two distinct works of mercy to each other, flowing and growing from and within the same “source and summit, fount and apex of all Christian life” the Eucharist. The entire image is captured within the Most Holy Eucharist, because the works of Mercy which is the foundation’s goal, presupposes Eucharistic Love. And hence, the Eucharist has a social dimension, as Pope Benedict XVI reminds us in Deus Caritas Est (God Is Love): “A Eucharist which does not pass over into the concrete practice of love is intrinsically fragmented”.
The name of the organization “BREAD OF LIFE (BOL) FOUNDATION” along with the motto "Offering the bread of Life" is engraved with scarlet red as the foreground and white as the background color, depicting the Eucharistic blood and Baptismal water which gushed forth from the heart of Jesus.
[1] St. Augustine, Sermo Denis.
Bread of Life (BOL) Foundation Original Logo v2
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