No other saint in the history of the Church entered into popular memory like St. Martin of Tours, with his mantel and his half cloak divided and donated to a beggar. The following night, Christ appears to Martin, wearing half of the cloak, to thank him.
In the Bible, nakedness is negative, seen as a result of sin (Gn 3:7), and as that of a slave being sold (Gn 37:23), of the imprisoned (Is 20:4; Acts 12:8), and of the mentally ill living in conditions of alienation (Mk 5:1-20). “They lie all night naked, without clothing, and have no covering in the cold…. They go about naked, without clothing; hungry”. (Job 24:7-10). The Bible suggests an attitude of compassion towards nakedness in counselling, “Give clothing to the naked” (Tb 4:16); praising the one who “covers the naked with a garment” (Ez 18:16); and advising, “When you see the naked, to cover him” (Is 58:7). Therefore, in Matthew 25:36, such an action is seen as a work of mercy.
The B.O.L. foundation accepts the biblical invitation to show compassion towards the naked to provide adequate clothing for the indigent.
St. Martin and the beggar | San Martín y el mendigo by El Greco, c. 1577–1579
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